So which celebrity chef has the best roastie recipe? (2024)

By Anne Shooter for the Daily Mail

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Dripping: Heston Blumenthal says it is the key to potato perfection



METHOD: Use Maris Piper potatoes, peeled and cut into four. Rinse to rid them of starch, then put them in a large saucepan and bring to the boil.

Heston says to cook until they are very soft, for 20-25 minutes, but I take them out sooner as they had started almost falling apart after 15 minutes. Meanwhile I heat a generous amount of dripping in the roasting tray in the oven, add the drained, cooled potatoes, coat them in the oil, then cook for 1 hour and 15 minutes at 180c/fan 160c/gas mark 4, turning every 20 minutes.

For the last five minutes I add garlic and rosemary to the pan, as he suggests, then take them out and sprinkle with plenty of sea salt.

RESULT: Potato perfection! The dripping gives them a savoury flavour that is not overpowering and they have a crisp coating and fluffy middles. The garlic and rosemary didn’t have quite enough oomph, though. I’d add them for longer next time.



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Delicious: Marry Berry urges people to half-roast the potatoes the day before



METHOD: Mary says it is possible to half-roast your potatoes the day before and reheat in a hot oven for 20 minutes when you want to eat them. This intrigues me — who knew you could get ahead with the tatties on Christmas Eve? — so I give it a go.

She says any variety of old potato is good — I use desiree — and that they should be peeled, boiled for five minutes, then drained well and shaken in a colander to fluff the edges.

I heat goose fat in the roasting dish, spooning the fat over the potatoes and shaking the pan to stop them sticking, and roast them for 30 minutes, until pale golden at 220c/fan 200c/gas mark 7.

I pour off the excess fat and keep them in the roasting tray, covered, in my garage overnight (she says to leave them somewhere cool). Next day I cook them for 30 minutes at the same hot temperature, add salt and taste.

RESULT: These are delicious but they just aren’t as crisp as they would have been had I cooked them the whole way through in one go. They have a slight chewiness I am not keen on. And despite pouring off the excess oil, they seem greasy.




METHOD: Jamie has a basic recipe for ‘perfect roast potatoes’ you then jazz up with one of three ‘flavour combos’. I go for butter, sage and clementine as it sounds interesting.

I start by washing peeled Maris Pipers in cold water, then boil for 6-7 minutes, steam dry them in a colander and ‘chuff up’ the edges by shaking the colander. Next, I tip the potatoes into my pan and butter, season with salt and pepper, then stir everything around.

The butter is cold at this point, which seems odd as all the other chefs use hot fat. I roast the potatoes for half an hour at 190c/fan 170c/gas 5 before taking them out for Jamie’s ‘new trick’. I have to squash each potato gently with a masher to increase surface area and, therefore, crispiness.

Then I mix the other flavourings in a bowl, starting with Jamie’s base of olive oil, a bulb of garlic broken into cloves and ‘a splash’ of red wine vinegar, a bunch of sage leaves and some strips of clementine zest. Now, I have to pour it over the potatoes, then roast for a further 45 minutes, before removing and adding more salt.

RESULT: Great crunch, weird flavour. They taste like salt and vinegar crisps with orange and garlic. If I were to do them again, I would add far less vinegar — what does a splash mean? — and pick one of the other flavour combos, such as olive oil and rosemary or goose fat with thyme and bay.


Method: Delia Smith says it is good to use fat



METHOD: Delia says in general it’s best to use the fat of whatever meat you are roasting to go with the potatoes, but otherwise to use dripping or lard.

I try lard, putting it in the oven in the roasting tray to heat while I get on with the potatoes.

I peel them, simmer for ten minutes, drain the water and shake the pan hard, with the lid on, to rough up the edges of the potatoes — ‘the secret to crunchy edges,’ says Delia.

Then I put the potatoes into the by-now-sizzling fat and baste them with it so they are well covered, before putting them in a hot oven — 220c/fan 200c/ gas 7.

Three-quarters of an hour later I have beautiful golden-brown potatoes, to which I add plenty of sea salt.

RESULT: These are gloriously crisp — the pan-shaking worked wonders — with fluffy middles.

But they are very oily and taste outrageously porky. You’ve got to have some serious pig love going on to want these with your turkey, though as a friend comments, while Hoovering her way though a bowlful, they would complement the bacon-wrapped chipolatas and stuffing beautifully.


Preparation: Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall pre-boils the potatoes and then lets them boil



METHOD: Hugh par-boils floury potatoes (I use King Edwards), then lets them cool.

His recipe tells me to scratch the surface of the potatoes with a fork — slightly faffy — and season with fine salt (doesn’t everyone use flakes these days?) before roasting in hot groundnut oil for 45 minutes at whatever heat the oven is set to for your roast.

This seems sensible and convenient, particularly as he adds that if they are not crisp enough, you can whack the oven up, while the joint (or bird) is resting, for another 15 minutes or so. I add more salt and pepper when they are done.

RESULT: They’re fantastically crispy, and the salt gets trapped in the forked ridges . . . mmmm. The groundnut oil has no flavour so you can really taste the potatoes.

For some, they might be too bland and lacking a wow factor — I would add some herbs next time — but if you like a straightforward roast potato, these are great.


Rich flavour: Nigella Lawson suggests goose fat and semolina



METHOD: First I put my oven onto its highest setting. Then, I cut my potatoes into three by cutting each end off at an angle so I am left with a triangle in the middle (it’s easy when you actually do it!).

I simmer the potatoes for four minutes, drain them, put them back in the empty pan, sprinkle them with semolina and shake them around to ‘fuzz the edges’.

I pre-heat goose fat in the roasting dish in the hot oven, place the potatoes in the fat and roast for an hour, turning once during cooking.

RESULT: The semolina works wonders. The crunch on one potato was so loud as I bit into it, my daughters could hear it in the next room!

The flavour is rich and almost gamey, wonderful for Christmas Day — although, as with all of Nigella’s recipes, they are incredibly rich, which some people may find too much.


Twinkly: Masterchef presenter John Torode opts for less faff, more flavour



METHOD: Twinkly MasterChef presenter John Torode has the right idea about cooking, I always think.

Less faff, more flavour, seems to be his motto. This recipe calls for heating some olive oil in a roasting dish, stuffing loads of herbs and butter into a chicken and sticking it in the pan with peeled potatoes, cut into chunks, all around it.

No parboiling, or smashing or any of that nonsense. After cooking at around 190c/170c fan/gas 5 for an hour and a quarter, basting once with the chicken juices, everything is done.

RESULT: These are so easy to make and full of flavour from the chicken — but they are not very crunchy, which for some people is going to be a major issue.

They are crisp on top but the bottoms have been sitting in the chicken juices so are very soft.

Scrumptious though, and perfect for an ordinary Sunday lunch or even a midweek supper, but perhaps not right for Christmas.


Mixture: Gordon Ramsay adds olive oil, tumeric and chilli



METHOD: I peel, quarter and simmer my potatoes for eight minutes then drain them in a colander and sprinkle them with turmeric, chilli flakes, sea salt, black pepper, and a little olive oil. Then I put more olive oil in a roasting pan, heat it and add the potatoes, turning them in the hot oil. They are put in an oven at 200c/fan 180c/Gas 6 and after 45 minutes . . . roast potatoes with turmeric and chilli — done!

RESULT: Even without any banging around in a saucepan, these are crisp, with fluffy insides which are stained yellow from the turmeric.

In fact, the potatoes look stunning — golden, with flecks of chilli — and they fill the kitchen with a delightful exotic scent.

I adore the flavour, and the warmth from the chilli — but for Christmas? Really? Maybe your kids are less fussy than mine, Gordon.

These lose points because if I served spicy roast potatoes my daughters would be devastated.

And I can’t even imagine what my mother-in-law would say . . .


CONCLUSION: Heston beats the other celebrity chefs hands down. All hail Heston, the king of roast potatoes!

And you can REALLY cook the whole meal in advance (like Heston says)

Who would have thought that Heston Blumenthal — he of molecular gastronomy and snail porridge fame — could bring calm and order to Christmas Day lunch this year?

His tip is to cook most of the veg and gravy beforehand — then reheat it. ‘Make sure every single part of your lunch, other than the potatoes, is ready to go,’ he says. ‘So the meat’s out of the oven resting. All your veg — your carrots, your cauliflower cheese, your cabbage — has been cooked, and all it needs is reheating.’

But does it work? Following Heston’s instructions, TESSA CUNNINGHAM gave it a dummy run.

The day before
Vegetables: Sometimes I peel parsnips, carrots and sprouts the day before, but I’ve never tried pre-cooking them, and I am nervous. However, the thought of not juggling four or five simultaneously boiling pans in the morning is tempting.

As Heston suggests, I parboil the parsnips and carrots for four minutes. Meanwhile, I heat olive oil in my roasting pan. When the vegetables are slightly soft, I drain them and pop them in the bubbling oil and roast for 25 minutes at 200c (gas mark 6) until they are slightly crisp, but not browned.

I pour the oil into a jug to save it for tomorrow, put the veg in a plastic tub after blotting it with kitchen paper, then put it in the fridge.

My mushy sprouts are a family joke — I simply never remember to drain them in time. But is cooking them the day before going to make them even worse? I boil them in salted water for five minutes. After draining, they are perfectly crisp. I just hope they stay this way after a night in the fridge.

In advance: Heston says if the meal is out of the oven and resting, all that needs doing is reheating

My final job is to peel my potatoes — the one thing (apart from the turkey) I will actually not reheat on Christmas Day, though Mary Berry suggests these, too, can done in advance. She part-roasts hers before finishing them off in a hot oven on the day.

Using Heston’s method, however, I simply leave them in a bowl in the fridge overnight.
Gravy: Making my gravy from scratch is the last thing I want to be doing in those stressful final minutes on Christmas Day. Last year, I forgot to make any gravy at all. I’ve even been known to resort to Bisto just to avoid the stress — which is a criminal waste of all those lovely turkey juices.

I decide to make the stock the day before from the giblets and simply add the turkey juices on the day. I take the giblets out of the turkey, wash them and put them in a pan with an onion, carrot, celery stalk and bay leaf, add 900ml of water and simmer for two hours. Once the stock has cooled, I strain it into a jug, put cellophane over the top and put it in the fridge. What a doddle.

On the Day
I’m planning lunch for 2pm. So at 9am, after a leisurely breakfast, I put the turkey in the oven. Normally, this would set me off racing manically in my dressing gown around the kitchen, peeling, chopping and boiling. Instead, I have the time to put on some soothing Christmas carols and slip off for a nice bath with a glass of Bucks Fizz till 1pm.
The general advice is that the bird can be left to rest for up to an hour under a light cover. I opt for a tea towel.

With just an hour to get everything ready, I get the stock out the fridge and mix it with the turkey juices from the tin and leave it on the side to go in the microwave.

Now it’s time to tackle the roast potatoes: normally, every surface is scattered with saucepans by this stage and I’m frantically washing up more. Not today. I parboil my potatoes for five minutes while I heat the oil I’ve saved from yesterday in a tin. As I put my drained roasties into my perfectly empty oven, I can’t believe how calm I feel.

It’s 40 minutes to lunch and time to take the veg out of the fridge. While they reach room temperature, I snip up bacon to fry with the sprouts. The table is laid, the bird is on the table ready to be carved and I’m wondering whether it really can be this easy.

The parsnips and carrots go in the hot oven for ten minutes to crisp up as I fry the bacon and sprouts, tossing them in the pan for six minutes until everything is brown.

The potatoes are done to perfection: normally my timing is so out as I wait for everything else that they are like brown bullets, but this way, I can concentrate on them. I’d like to say I’m icily calm as I place everything on the table, but I’m nervous.

To look at my dishes, you would never guess they had been reheated. But here’s the acid test — what do they taste like?

Despite resting for a full 60 minutes, the turkey is still hot and deliciously moist. That extra waiting time has allowed the delicious juices to seep back through the meat.
But my reheated sprouts are so limp and soggy they are virtually inedible. It’s infuriating because they were perfect the first time around. They must have retained water. However, the parsnips and the carrots are divine — crunchy and slightly caramelised. You would never guess they had been reheated

My potatoes are the best I have ever tasted and the gravy is absolutely delicious.
Sipping a glass of chilled wine, I feel liberated. Who cares about sprouts, anyway?

So which celebrity chef has the best roastie recipe? (2024)
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