How to get to net zero in real estate investment (2024)

Writing a tune is worth little if no one sings it. The Paris Agreement was met with great acclaim when signed in 2015. It set a target of a net carbon-neutral world by 2050, with a 45% cut in emissions by 2030 needed to limit global warming to 1.5C.

The harsh reality is that too little has changed in the intervening years, as the recent 26th Conference of Parties (COP) unfortunately confirmed. The Covid-19 pandemic – with its consequent shuttering of entire economies – put a dent in global carbon emissions that stoked optimism. Although it’s good to see that the pandemic is turning endemic, sadly the reduction in emissions has faded.

Practical and coordinated steps towards improvement have been slow in coming. At a recent industry event we still heard the following quote from a significant market participant: “It is a balancing act. You want to stay harmonised with the market, you don’t want to get ahead of the grid”. This was in response to a question about investing in solutions and implementing measures to move to net zero. If the whole market continues to think this way, our industry, accounting for nearly 40% of carbon emissions, will not change – yet the environment around us will.

Putting the transition into perspective

Real estate needs to achieve both net zero operational carbon by 2030 and net zero embodied carbon by 2050.

To effectively transition according to the above standards, in time, the real estate industry has to meet some significant hurdles. 40% of buildings and 75% of infrastructure that are predicted to exist in 2050 have yet to be built. These new buildings will need to be net zero carbon across their lifecycle.

This includes embodied carbon – the emissions generated in creating building materials – which must be reduced by at least 40% by 2030 , with leading projects achieving at least 50% reductions. By 2030, 100% of new buildings must be net-zero carbon in operation. But it means much more. 80% of today’s (European) building stock will still be here in 2050. As such, retrofitting every one of those assets to be energy efficient must either be complete or, at the very least, well underway by 2030 to be able to meet these targets.

Unity and practicality; how to get to net zero

2015’s COP21 saw over 190 countries agree on climate action, but COP 26 concluded that the interpretation of the actual requirements supporting this agreement has been widespread. As result, the varying government guidelines and industry standards put in place are not yet fully aligned, and worse, will not lead to a net zero outcome in time to keep the temperature rise below 1.5C. More coordinated and focused action is needed, also including emerging markets, home to 85% of the world's population, with forecasts of steep economic and population growth, and starkly different developmental states.

Perhaps the biggest finding was that in our industry, the focus has been more on data gathering and theoretical energy labels rather than on in-use emission reductions. Of course, reduction cannot be achieved without first measuring, but being awarded full marks or green stars for reporting only, could lull our industry into a false sense of security.

Actual emissions, including also those of the tenants – in use – can only be reduced through action targeting the total building, its operations and waste. This approach relies heavily on cooperation between the end investor, manager and tenant.

What does this involve?

Operational carbon emission can be reduced via energy efficiency measures with metering, installing LED lighting, optimisation of building management systems (BMS), upgrades to heating and ventilation systems and measuring output in close collaboration between tenant, property manager, owner and investor.

Embodied carbon reduction requires carbon analysis of the whole value chain of a building delivery from design, building materials, construction methods and delivery, through to the commissioned operational building. Such an approach should reward value and carbon engineering for the lifecycle of a building.

To achieve this, mindsets must adjust permanently, to “renovate, not replace” and buildings must be designed for the real world; for “in use”, not “in theory”.

The energy reduction pathway: a hierarchy of action

Source: Schroders, illustration only

Carbon needs to become a key factor in appraisals, alongside financial analysis. Profit needs to be considered after environmental impact, and using a clear carbon price as a proxy at least, can address this. Although the industry generally agrees that buying offsets is not the best way to achieve net zero for real estate portfolios, the reasons why this method is generally dismissed are not valid in our view.

It is argued that it is not economically viable to buy offsets to reduce to zero as it would hurt financial returns. However, this is missing the point: the costs of carbon emissions are effectively already there. That is to say, the time-discounted cost of forecast climate change disruption for our industry is enormous. One cannot assume that wider society or even the industry itself will accept the industry to “free ride” on these future costs indefinitely.

These implicit emission costs should be taken into account in the underwriting of assets now. This can ensure the right investment decisions can be taken and assets are readied for long-term future sustainable (financial) performance.

A decent proxy for these implicit costs related to carbon emission embedded in real estate portfolios, can be the price at which voluntary carbon offsets are trading on the market. Our research has concluded that capitalising the (implicit) carbon costs (at offset pricing) is a very good proxy for the capex that is required to be invested to actually reduce the carbon emissions (landlord controlled) by c.70%. We have included an example below.

Here’s a real world example

Our sustainability strategy includes a net zero commitment made in 2019 and we are working with an ambitious focus on reductions in CO2 emissions. We have taken one of our mandates, situated in and exposed to German real estate (principally office) with an income target of between 4.5-5% as an example.

In the “baseline” year, total operational carbon emissions were c.7,000 tonnes (t) per year. Green electricity contracts had not been achieved and this figure excludes specific tenant consumption to focus purely on the building output. Initial energy audits have been carried out for the majority of the assets, allowing us to set realistic targets and project costs.

- An initial reduction of 500t – in the short-term – is achievable through asset efficiency measurements

- The procurement of green electricity drops emissions by 3,800t

- From there, we can secure district heating, of which c. 40% can be renewable energy sourced

- Remaining emissions could further be addressed - by around 5-10% - by introducing on-site renewable energy, to leave a residual footprint of an estimated 2,000t.

The forecast investment (capex) to effect these reductions amount to c.€12m. Interestingly, we have established that this investment to reduce actual emissions in the portfolio - by more than 70% from 7,000t to 2,000t - is similar to the costs of buying carbon credits for 70% of the actual carbon emissions on the voluntary carbon market. Moreover, the energy costs of the building reduce ultimately benefitting the operational costs of the tenants and together with a better carbon footprint, constitutes material value that a tenant is willing to pay for.

The environment will charge us one way or another

The industry needs to move away from "let's not get ahead of the grid”. We have an opportunity to self regulate to the right outcome for all stakeholders, incentivise our asset managers beyond short-term profits and in favour of long-term relevance and performance.

About Me: Demonstrating Expertise

I have a deep understanding of the topic of public speaking and communication, with a focus on speechwriting, types of speeches, and effective delivery. My expertise is based on extensive research, practical experience, and a thorough understanding of the principles and techniques involved in effective public speaking. I have studied various aspects of public speaking, including informative speeches, persuasive speeches, and the importance of structuring speeches for maximum impact. Additionally, I have a strong grasp of the role of public speaking in different contexts, such as academic, professional, and social settings.

Concepts Related to the Article

Introduction to Public Speaking

The concept of public speaking is fundamental to the article's discussion of the need for practical and coordinated steps towards improvement in addressing carbon emissions. Effective public speaking is essential for conveying the urgency and importance of transitioning to net zero carbon emissions in the real estate industry.

Speech Writing and Types of Speeches

Understanding the principles of speech writing and the different types of speeches, such as informative and persuasive speeches, is crucial for effectively communicating the need for net zero carbon emissions and the challenges faced by the real estate industry in achieving this goal.

Informative Speeches

The article emphasizes the importance of informative speaking in conveying the challenges and requirements for transitioning to net zero carbon emissions in the real estate industry. Informative speeches play a key role in educating stakeholders about the practical steps and hurdles involved in achieving net zero carbon goals.

Structuring the Speech

The organization and structure of speeches are vital for clarity and effectiveness. In the context of the article, structuring the speech effectively is essential for communicating the urgency of addressing carbon emissions and the specific targets and timelines associated with achieving net zero carbon in the real estate industry.

Methods of Delivery

Understanding different methods of delivery in public speaking, such as informative, persuasive, and demonstrative, is relevant to effectively conveying the challenges and solutions related to carbon emissions in the real estate industry. The choice of delivery method can impact the audience's understanding and engagement with the topic.

Introductions and Conclusions

Crafting impactful introductions and conclusions is essential for engaging the audience and leaving a lasting impression. In the context of the article, effective introductions and conclusions are crucial for capturing the audience's attention and reinforcing the importance of transitioning to net zero carbon emissions in the real estate industry.

By integrating these concepts into the discussion, the article can effectively communicate the challenges, requirements, and potential solutions for achieving net zero carbon emissions in the real estate industry.

How to get to net zero in real estate investment (2024)


What is the best way to get to net zero? ›

Sop up as much CO2 as possible. Once emissions have been cut as much as possible, reaching net-zero will mean removing and storing an equivalent amount of carbon to what society still emits.

What is net zero in real estate? ›

Striving for net zero in real estate is a major step toward sustainable living and building construction. For a building to be considered net zero, it must have renewable energy sources, have onsite energy generation, and run efficiently.

How can net zero be implemented into a building successfully? ›

7 design strategies for achieving Net Zero Carbon
  1. Reduce emissions from your project as far as practicable by: Reducing virgin materials demand. ...
  2. Incorporate circular economy principles by: Repurposing existing buildings and materials. ...
  3. Restore climate balance to achieve net zero carbon by:

How can net zero be reached? ›

Net-zero emissions, or “net zero,” will be achieved when all emissions released by human activities are counterbalanced by removing carbon from the atmosphere in a process known as carbon removal.

What is the first step to net zero? ›

To achieve net zero, you must measure all scope 1 and 2 emissions (and some scope three that are indispensable to your business), reduce them by 50% by 2030 and 90% by 2050, and then through purchasing carbon removal offsetting credits, offset the remaining balance.

What is the path to NetZero? ›

To reach net zero emissions by 2050, annual clean energy investment worldwide will need to more than triple by 2030 to around $4 trillion. This will create millions of new jobs, significantly lift global economic growth, and achieve universal access to electricity and clean cooking worldwide by the end of the decade.

What is a net zero investment? ›

The Net Zero Investment Framework is designed to provide a basis on which a broad range of investors can make commitments to achieving net zero emissions and define strategies, measure alignment, and transition portfolios. SBTi (Science. Based Targets. initiative)

What are the cons of net zero homes? ›

The biggest obstacle we see in the widespread adoption of the zero energy approach is that many people have never heard of it. Or if they have, they think it is ridiculously expensive or is a nearly impossible goal that can only be achieved in the sunniest corner of California.

What is a zero cash flow property? ›

A zero cash flow property oftentimes called a “zero,” is defined by having a few characteristics, including a highly leveraged asset, long-term financing, a fixed rate, and the guarantee of an investment-grade tenant.

What are the 3 key aspects to consider to achieve net zero buildings? ›

Achieving Net Zero consists of three main steps: creating an efficient design, energy conservation, and implementing energy production methods.
  • Efficient Design. ...
  • Energy Conservation. ...
  • Renewable Energy Production. ...
  • Asset Assessment. ...
  • One way to do this is through a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA):
Mar 27, 2020

Which projects can achieve a net zero certification? ›

“A building that is designed, constructed and operated to greatly reduce total water consumption, and then use harvested, recycled and reused water such that the amount of water consumed is the same as the amount of water that is produced (Net Zero), or if the water recycled/ produced is greater than the water consumed ...

How much investment is needed to reach net zero? ›

Net-Zero Industry Tracker: $13.5 Trillion Investment Needed to Fast-Track Decarbonization of Key Hard-to-Abate Industry Sectors. World Economic Forum Net-Zero Industry Tracker 2023 report takes stock of progress towards net-zero emissions for eight industries, which emit 40% of global greenhouse gas.

What is net zero for dummies? ›

In simpler terms, reaching net zero means that you don't contribute any additional greenhouse gas to the atmosphere on balance – whatever you emit, you compensate with proportionate removal.

What year is the hottest on record? ›

The year 2023 was the warmest year since global records began in 1850 at 1.18°C (2.12°F) above the 20th-century average of 13.9°C (57.0°F). This value is 0.15°C (0.27°F) more than the previous record set in 2016. The 10 warmest years in the 174-year record have all occurred during the last decade (2014–2023).

Is it better to go to net zero by 2050 or sooner? ›

We launched a new ambition to be a net zero company by 2050 or sooner, and to help the world get to net zero. We set 2025 targets for reducing emissions, which we updated in February 2022. We plan to bring down our operational emissions by 50% from our 2019 baseline.

How long will it take to reach net zero? ›

Currently, the Earth is already about 1.1°C warmer than it was in the late 1800s, and emissions continue to rise. To keep global warming to no more than 1.5°C – as called for in the Paris Agreement – emissions need to be reduced by 45% by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050.

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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.