Easy Low Carb Bread Recipe (2024)

Tips for the lowest carb bread.

For yeast activation, the water should be warm but never hot.

Inulin is a prebiotic fibre that can be used to activate yeast. Other keto sweeteners do NOT activate yeast. If you do not have inulin sugar or honey can be used (just 1 tsp) in its place. The yeast will consume the carbs of the sugar so don’t stress.

Instant dried yeast is yeast powder that is available at most supermarkets. I do recommend using yeast for good rise in my low carbohydrate breads.

I recommend milling golden flax seeds (also known as linseeds) and mill to a flour as needed. es where nuts are not allowed in certain schools.

Eggs should be large eggs and at room temperature. Refrigerated eggs will give the bread an eggy flavour. You can substitute just 3 egg whites if preferred. This will add protein to the bread without the added fats of the yolk.


Golden flax meal can be replaced completely with ground b;anched almond flour or almond meal, hemp seed flour, or pepita meal.

Oat fibre can be replaced with psyllium husks or Macro Gentle Fibre (but it is higher in carbs). I have not tested psyllium husk powder but maybe a quarter cup would do it.

I have not tested this recipe with coconut flour.

Seeds like whole flax, sesame seeds or poppy seeds can be added for more of a whole wheat or whole grain bread.

Eggs can be replaced with 2 chia eggs for a keto vegan bread recipe.

Sliced bread can be kept frozen with no loss in quality.

The butter can be replaced with any dairy-free or vegan spread or oil for a dairy free or keto vegan bread.

Can I make the low carb bread recipe in the bread machine? Yes, you can. I have included a link in the blog post to our bread maker method and a slightly different recipe.

Can oat fibre bread be made into pizza bases? Yes, it can, however it is pretty “bready”. It is okay but not amazing.

Can I make a low carb bread in a Thermomix? Yes, you can. I have included instructions for this.

My bread does not rise like yours. Depending on the temperature you are proving at can affect the rise of the dough. In the winter keep it very warm with a silicone mat or use the oven technique to rise the dough.

Brands of Gluten Flour. Gluten flour can be found in many health foods shops across the globe. Until recently I mostly used Bob’s Red Mill brand, but this has become almost impossible to source. I currently use Lotus Foods brand, I find it gives the best rise in the loaf. The other brand I have tried is Abundance Foods. The Abundance flour gives a great tasting low carb bread, but it tends not to rise as much.

Some may argue that our low carb bread is not suited to the keto diet. At only 1g net carbs per serve it is very possible to maintain ketosis and enjoy a sandwich from time to time. If you would prefer gluten free low carb bread then you can try some of our other keto bread recipes.

This recipe yields approximately 18/22 servings. The actual number of servings will depend on your preferred portion sizes.

To calculate weight of one serving, prepare recipe as instructed. Weigh finished loaf, then divide the weight of the finished recipe by 18-22. The result will be the weight of one serving.

Nutritional values shown are guidelines only. They are for 1 serving using the ingredients listed. The net carb grams count for this keto bread is 1g net carb per serving.

All recipes have been tested using all cooking methods included by various recipe testers. Blood sugars tend to stay stable, and the bread fits in perfectly with many healthy meal plans.

When making low carb bread for the first time just keep a close check on temperature and timing. Models do vary slightly and time or temperature may need to be adjusted to bake the perfect loaf.

Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days. Alternatively, store in an airtight container and freeze.

The recipe card instructions contain the most basic of steps and a list of ingredients. If you have any queries, questions or are unsure of substitutions, please scroll up to the blog post for more information.

Easy Low Carb Bread Recipe (2024)
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